Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today, my favorite part was at the end. I finished painting, and I was like, “Where is a baby?” Holding a Haitian child is my therapy. I found this little guy who I just love, and he is basically a twelve year old in a five year old body. His attitude is ridiculous and hilarious. I rocked him in my lap, joking with him that he was a little baby. He loved it. I loved it more.

My sister too today found a little one to love. That little girl rested on her shoulder for 2 hours today. Copy and paste this to see:!/photo.php?fbid=10150432221590473&set=a.10150426278795473.639228.601600472&theater. Reminds me that I would not be doing what I am doing where I am doing it without my sister.

Years ago, my sister, not sure what to do with her life post college, had the opportunity to teach here in Haiti. Haiti found her. And she listened and obeyed the whisper of God to go. At the end of her time teaching here, I went.

And here we are, and here we will be together for a long long time if the Lord continues to will. Today, we had the opportunity to dream out loud with the local leader we are connected to and are invested in.

It seems God is aligning our hearts, marrying them. His heart is for the street kids. Leah’s and mine is as well. Things got written down today, doodled in fact. It seems a home for street kids is on the Lord’s agenda… ☺


Stuart Royall said...

mmmmmmmmmm good

Unknown said...

Awesome! Awesome!

Such good news!! I love that you get to be part of their Hope story!! How awesome!! <3