Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Haiti 2010

This year in Passe Cataboise, Haiti, the plan was to do one mural, however we ended up doing two: One at the local bakery (a.k.a hangout for local shoddy people and my favorite place to be) and the other on the hospital. Below you will see pictures of the one on the hospital. The theme this year was magical, about dreaming beyond the possible. To create that feeling, the mural pictures larger-than-life flowers, the stars and the moon, and people in inspirational forms.

The highlight of any mural we do internationally are the people who help paint. This year, my favorite little painter was Chodly. We knew him from camp last year, and we ran into him in the mountains and told him to come back to camp this year, which he did. Then with the mural, he showed up every day, faithful and wanting to paint at the age of 13.

Wilfet was my second worker bee, who helped primarily on the bakery mural. Redemption Art has started to function as "business as mission," meaning people, like Wilfet, being empowered by having work through the business of Redemption Art.

Overall, it is such an honor to be able to paint out an expression of what I believe the Spirit of God is putting in my heart for a particular place, people and time. It is an expression of prayer and of worship as much as it is a tool for relationship and trust with the people or a way to empower them. I am continually humbled as I create the pictures I am inspired to paint out. Because while it is me, it is my hands, and it is my mind, it isn't really. It is Someone far greater in me.


Jessica Durivage - Training and Inspiration said...

BEAUTIFUL! As always, your spirit shines light even into the most complex of people, places and situations. Can't wait to see you!

Kim said...

Awesome, my friend!!!