Thursday, November 5, 2009

Redemption Art's Craziest Experience Yet: Painting in Cite Soleil!

So today was the second day of painting the mural in Cite Soleil, Port Au Prince, Haiti. If you want some fast facts on Cite Soleil, read the blog below. To sum it up: Worst slum on this side of the world. This is not my photo above, but it gives you an idea of what we are in the middle of.

Anyway, today we (My sister Leah and I) had about 9 grown men and teenage guys helping us paint the the 480 square foot mural on a water tower recently built by Help Tammy Help Haiti. I was just discussing the reality of these guys helping me paint with my sister and how incredible it truly is to have some of the hardest men who have seen some of the hardest things in life painting with us. Truly "Redemption Art"at work.

However, I know without a doubt that it is not the art that is drawing these men to the project; it is the Spirit of the Living God. There is no question in my mind that this project has been orchestrated, provided by, and ordained by God. From the paint arriving here just in time to God providing those 9 men to help me.

I was reading the other day, and the author of this particular book asked the question: ""When was the last time you saw The Spirit of God at work in your life?" And I was so so so glad that I could testify to TODAY!!!

The sweetest moment of The Spirit today was this: Standing arm in arm with a 23-year old former child soldier who spent the day painting with us. For those of you who know who Wilfet is, he is the next Wilfet in my life. I can feel it. The Spirit of God at work, I tell you what.


Kim said...

yay, caitlin!! yay God!!! excited you're getting to do such good good work!!! i love you dearly and will be praying for the people of Haiti and for you & leah!! <3

Jessica Durivage - Training and Inspiration said...

Praying for you and sending tons of love and light!